NetSuite’s Customer Relationship Management
The success of a company depends on many different factors. Timely forecasts and sales management are only some of them, but they still lay in the basis of every stable business development. They allow achieving an active turnover of goods and strong connection between clients, partners and the company. Obviously every CEO is interested in the means to achieve such development as quickly as possible and with minimal expenses.
To date, no solution can boast of such functionality and capabilities.
According to the leading consulting companies among software products from other developers, only NetSuite CRM+ is at a really high level, combining standard CRM solutions with powerful accounting and full-fledged logistics.
One can find many solutions which promise to assist in business development, however, only few of them are indeed efficient. New generation program package NetSuite CRM+ is one of such solutions and it offers its users innovative radical possibilities, containing all the necessary functions for such important business aspects as:
- ➤ Order management;
- ➤ Marketing management;
- ➤ Award management;
- ➤ Project management;
- ➤ Business portal for clients;
- ➤ Partner relationship management;
- ➤ Web-analytics and web-hosting;
- ➤ Service support;
- ➤ SuiteFlex suite for NetSuite CRM+ individual configuration according to the user demands
Regarding the NetSuite CRM+ functions, they are as follows:
- ➤ To track clients’ actions in real time, including the financial operations and actions on the company website.
- ➤ To sell the goods in store both to potential and current customers.
- ➤ To fully automatize the client life cycle, that is his registration and insertion in the client base, the search for potential clients, motivation for additional purchases, etc.
- ➤ To organize and accept completed orders.
- ➤ To store and track the whole purchase history.
- ➤ To automatize additional and cross-selling.
- ➤ To create and manage partner relationships.
- ➤ To automatize working processes with commission enumeration.
- ➤ To manage email subscriptions and web marketing.
- ➤ To receive sales forecast based on real time client data.
- ➤ To calculate marketing effectiveness and sales profitability on the basis of the collected data.
Implementation principle - «on demand»
The principle of implementing this software "on demand" - allows you not to worry about your own server IT infrastructure, since all the functionality is available to users over the Internet. In this case, the databases and software are located on the servers of the developer, NetSuite.
Thus, any employee of the company who is a NetSuite CRM+ user can use the system regardless of their location, using shared data. The result of its work will also be instantly available to other employees of the company.
Ease of implementation and configuration, excellent sales automation capabilities, and exceptional features that ensure the entire cycle of interaction with the customer for its service will allow any enterprise to make its business highly efficient and reliable using a new generation of software - NetSuite CRM+.
Mobile friendly
Improve business performance - anytime, anywhere, on any mobile device.
The mobility of the NetSuite system extends collaboration and productivity beyond the workplace. Intuitive tools that allow your employees to easily access and upload important data they need outside of the office.